Day One: Getting Started

Well, we accomplished a huge amount today. We picked up more folks from the airport, loaded everything into the church... chairs, music stands, lights, recording equipment, the organ, a harpsichord, and on and on. We fed everyone with wonderful food from Olivers (Thanks Eva!!). And on top of all that, we got through a full rehearsal of the entire Pergolesi.

The orchestra sounds great, very musical, well balanced, good tuning. Our producer is already listening and hearing every little thing, good and bad, which is good since that's his job. And by the end of the night the mics were up and running even if the recording booth needs some help which Preston will attend to before tomorrow night.

Tomorrow, the search for a good harpsichord as the one we got is not good enough quality for a recording, more rehearsing, and our first recording session in the evening.

So far so good, now it's off to sleep and to rest the voice:)

Goodnight All,

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