What is a Kirtan Mass?
We instinctively know (and it has been scientifically proven) that music excites a part of the brain not accessed by spoken word. Music enters us through a different door. This is why music has been an integral part of so many spiritual and religious ceremonies for so long. At the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa, we occasionally perform whole services in the form of call and response devotional chant. We borrow this form and its ancient Sanskrit chants from an Indian music tradition called Kirtan, and include songs and chants in English from our own New Thought Music tradition. As a vocalist in the early music world, I’ve long appreciated performing beautiful Latin Mass settings from the western tradition where for centuries church composers have set sections of the Christian Liturgy -- the Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Credo, etc., to be sung and performed as part of the services. I’ve longed for something similar in our New Thought tradition: an extended, participatory musical work tailored to our spiritual beliefs. Of course we don’t have an ancient Latin Mass or Sanskrit texts of our own to set to music, but we do have our unique form of prayer, five step science of mind spiritual mind treatment. Inspired by the two ancient musical forms, Kirtan from the east and Latin Mass settings from the west, I set out to create an extended work based on our 5 steps of treatment, and that is how this Kirtan Mass came about.
How does it work?
Permission to perform:
There are so many wonderful composers writing songs and chants for our New Thought Movement and I’m glad to contribute this piece to that growing body of work. If you’ve purchased this score (available at Stepping Stones Books And Gifts) you have my permission to reproduce as many copies as needed to perform it in service at your Center. If you are interested in recording this work and in any way distributing the recording or if you would like to order copies of the original live recording from our Center to sell after your service, please contact me so we can work out an arrangement. Should you perform this work, I look forward to hearing feedback from your experience.
Chris Fritzsche, Music Director
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
707-546-4543 x 115
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